Cross-cultural trainings
Cross-cultural trainings include different aspects. It can have it's focus on general awareness towards other cultures or on a specific cultural area.
The training courses listed below are sample offers that – depending on your needs and requirements – can be individually adapted to your wishes. Specific topics (e.g. “international recruiting”, “leading global teams” etc.) can also be implemented.
My target cultures are India, Germany and Vietnam. In addition, I work closely with experienced partners who also cover other cultures such as China, Japan, the USA, Brazil, France or England. Feel free to contact me if you have specific country requests!
Culture generic training programs
Duration: 1-2 days
Many employees interact with colleagues and customers from different cultures. In order to ensure an effective and sustainable collaboration these trainings focus on creating cultural awareness and sensitivity by shifting perspectives. It also provides participants the opportunity to practice behavioral strategies for every day communication with people from across the globe.
Possible content
- Definition of culture and it’s implication on today’s business world
- Reflection of one's own cultural background and values system
- Identifying cultural standards and its implications when dealing with other cultures
- Analyzing and practicing behavioral strategies, which reflect real life business situations
Culture specific training programs (India, Vietnam, Germany)
Duration: 1-2 days
These trainings are designed for employees who work with colleagues and/or customers from one specific culture and who need support in different aspects of their collaboration. This can include communication style, business etiquette and practical tips on every day life. Country specific trainings also take a deeper look at the value system of the target culture and provide information on country specific aspects such as the political system, religion and historical background.
Possible content
- Country specific information (political system, history, religion etc).
- Value system of target culture in comparison with own cultural background
- Different aspects of working culture (communication, business etiquette etc.)
- Analyzing and practicing behavioral strategies which reflect real life business situations
- Development of best practices
Expat and relocation trainings
Duration: 1-2 days
Posting expats and their families abroad offers many opportunities - it is an exciting project that broadens personal horizons and often involves a career leap.
Moving abroad means a major adjustment and reorientation for everyone involved, which can be accompanied by fears and stress both before leaving the country and in the initial phase in the destination country.
Returning home also poses challenges for many expats and their families. Sometimes, returning home is even more difficult than the posting itself and arouses feelings of alienation and a lack of appreciation from the private and professional side.
For this reason, it is important, both when leaving and when returning, to have good support that involves the entire family in the process and prepares them for the tasks ahead.
I would be happy to support you with this!
Possible content
In a mixture of training and coaching, the following topics are usually dealt with:
- Expectations, hopes and fears with regard to the assignment abroad or the return
- Reflection on one's own value system and cultural imprint
- Dealing with different social roles and their shift through posting or return
- Culture shock and coping strategies
- Information about the country and every day life in the host country
- Work culture – expectations of a manager (depending on the role abroad)
- Raising awareness of the skills acquired and creating a vision for the future after return
As a supplement to a one-day or multi-day training before departure, I can also support and accompany you in the host country with virtual coaching.

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